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Showing posts with label Desktop Issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Desktop Issues. Show all posts

Ubuntu 18.04 Error : We cannot detect a running copy of GNOME on this system.

You might be trying to install GNOME-Shell Extension from browser and got an error like "We cannot detect a running copy of GNOME on this system, so some parts of the interface may be disabled"

Fix : Install GNOME Shell Integration plugin

How to install it, lets follow the below steps.

For Chrome :

  • Chrome Web Store --> Search for "Gnome shell integration" --> Add to Chrome
  • Open Terminal and install chrome-gnome-shell

sudo apt-get install chrome-gnome-shell
  • Restart Browser and try to install additional Gnome extensions.

For Firefox :
  • Firefox Add On --> Search for "Gnome shell integration" --> Add to Firefox --> Followup the instructions asked by Firefox to add it.

  • Restart Browser and try to install additional Gnome extensions.

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Ubuntu: Stop pdf to open with default ImageMagick

Surprisingly after migrating from Unity to Cinnamon DE, i found a very annoying and strange behaviour or my default  application  for PDF .

Instead of Document Viewer, it's using ImageMagick to open each PDF document, though i have adobe reader within my Ununtu 16.04, but it's not ready to leave ImageMagick at all.

So now , as always our friend is Terminal, follow the below steps to get rid of ImageMagick.

  • edit the file   ~/.config/mimeapps.list

Now remove the lines that associates PDF to imagemagick in the file:

  • image/pdf=display-im6.desktop
  • image/pdf=display-im6.q16.desktop;display-im6.desktop;
I have performed these steps within my Ubuntu 16.04, hope this gonna work for you too.

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Ubuntu : Touchpad and right click not working on Lenovo ideapad 320-15ISK

So these are the problems I encountered after a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 installation on my new Lenovo ideapad 320-15ISK.

  • Strange confusion between right and left click ( functioning opposite ).
  • Couldn't drag any window from touchpad.
  • Right click not working..seems to be disabled.

So below is the code snippet that work like a charm for me.

Do open the below file from terminal.

cyberkeeda@Linux-Maniac:~$ gedit /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/51-synaptics-quirks.conf 

 Copy paste the below snippet at the top of the file.

Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "touchpad catchall"
    Driver "synaptics"
    MatchIsTouchpad "on"
    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
    Option "TapButton1" "1"
    Option "TapButton2" "2"
    Option "TapButton3" "3"
    Option "ClickPad" "true"
    Option "EmulateMidButtonTime" "0"
    Option "SoftButtonAreas" "50% 0 82% 0 0 0 0 0"

Save and restart your system, hopefully everything must work now.

Thanks to the mint forum

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Ubuntu : net usershare' returned error 255: mkdir failed on directory /var/run/samba/msg.lock: Permission denied net usershare add: cannot convert name

Nautilus Error message while sharing a directory into local network as

Ubuntu : net usershare' returned error 255: mkdir failed on directory /var/run/samba/msg.lock: Permission denied net usershare add: cannot convert name,.

Solved : Restart Samba services.

/etc/init.d/samba restart
Sounds fizzy, but yes it will fix.
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Ubuntu : How to change default file application.

How to make change default open file with application.
How to set default application type for particular application type.

Many times we use open with parameter in the file browser to open an application with certain application.
For instance default writer / office package for Ubuntu is Libre office , but I feel WPS Office suite more friendly.
I want to Use VLC as a media player instead of Videos pre installed within Ubuntu.

Instead of opening a file/media with Open with I want to make it work on Double click of mouse only with preferred application type.

  1. Select a file of the type whose default application you want to change. For example, to change which application is used to open Video files, select a .mp4 or FLV file.
  2. Right-click the file and select Properties.
  3. Select the Open With tab.
  4. Select the application you want and click Set as default. By default, the file manager only shows applications it knows can handle the file. To look through all the applications on your computer, click Show other applications.

Have a look on the Video.

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Understanding / Overview of CPU units

I don't know how much I'm right about the above explained figure, but i got this understanding from one of my knowledgeable friend , Ashish Thakur.

I thought of sharing the same with you guys and keep it within my knowledge base (my blog).

Do correct me within comment, if you feel anything wrong explained within this figure.

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Lotus Notes -: An error was encountered while opening a window

Problem:- An error was encountered while opening a window when opening Lotus Notes


Copy the user lotus id and database from lotus folder
  1. C:\Documents and Settings\user ID\Local Settings\Application Data\lotus\Notes\Data\desktop6.ndk
  2. C:\Documents and Settings\user ID \Application Data\lotus\Notes\
delete the other all files
When you run lotus then lotus creates all file again then replace the user id and database file C:\Documents and Settings\user ID\Local Settings\Application Data\lotus\Notes\Data\desktop6.ndk

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Lotus Notes -: An error was encountered while opening a window

Problem:- An error was encountered while opening a window when opening Lotus Notes


Copy the user lotus id and database from lotus folder
  1. C:\Documents and Settings\user ID\Local Settings\Application Data\lotus\Notes\Data\desktop6.ndk
  2. C:\Documents and Settings\user ID \Application Data\lotus\Notes\
delete the other all files
When you run lotus then lotus creates all file again then replace the user id and database file C:\Documents and Settings\user ID\Local Settings\Application Data\lotus\Notes\Data\desktop6.ndk

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Windows 7 - Screen Saver Time Out Issue

Problem:- Screen Saver Time Out Issue


For screen saver time out setting, Change the following registry key to 900 Sec

HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Control Panel - Desktop - For screen saver time out setting, Change the following registry key to 900 Sec

HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Control Panel - Desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900

HKEY_Users - .default\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-18\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-19\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-20\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-21\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
t - 900

HKEY_Users - .default\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-18\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-19\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-20\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-21\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900

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Windows 7 - Screen Saver Time Out Issue

Problem:- Screen Saver Time Out Issue


For screen saver time out setting, Change the following registry key to 900 Sec

HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Control Panel - Desktop - For screen saver time out setting, Change the following registry key to 900 Sec

HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Control Panel - Desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900

HKEY_Users - .default\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-18\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-19\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-20\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-21\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
t - 900

HKEY_Users - .default\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-18\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-19\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-20\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900
HKEY_Users - S-1-5-21\controlPanel - desktop - ScreenSaveTimeOut - 900

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Microsoft live Meeting could not be accepted


Microsoft live Meeting could not be accepted


Microsoft recommends that you use the Clear Cache method. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Other tab.
  2. Click Advanced Options.
  3. In the Advanced Options box, click Custom Forms.
  4. In the Custom Forms box, click Manage Forms.
  5. In the Forms Manager box, click Clear Cache.
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Office Communicator 2007 R2 is not opening after clicking on that, only glass bar icon comes and goes off.

Communicator 2007 R2 Issue

Problem:-Office Communicator 2007 R2 is not opening after clicking on that, only glass bar icon comes and goes off.

Cause:-Normally this problem comes when COM+ Event System Service is not started or problem with msxml.

Resoultion:-1) Start the COM+ Event System Service manually.
                           2) Re-register msxml files in following sequence.

                            regsvr32 msxml2.dll
                            regsvr32 msxml3.dll
                            regsvr32 msxml4.dll
                            regsvr32 msxml6.dll

Reboot the system, reset the local profile of the user
Give temporary admin rights to the user and then ask him to login.

That’s it, now launch the communicator from it shortcut.

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Problem: MS Word is opening in Safe Mode only

Reason: file is corrupted


  1. Close all applications
  2. Search for the file in user’s profile. (search hidden and system folder’s as well)
  3. Delete the files
  4. Reopen the word.

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Outlook Calendar Error : Can’t open this item. The object couldn’t be found.

Reason: Outlook uses forms for everything. Sometimes these get corrupt and need to be rebuilt.


  1. Close outlook
  2. Open the user’s profile c:\documents and settings\<user ID>
  3. search for the “FRMCACHE.DAT” (Choose to search hidden and system files options as well)
  4. From the search results, delete the file FRMCACHE.DAT
  5. Restart outlook

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How to fix problem - PDF Printer is offline

Problem: PDF Printer is offline


  1. Uninstall the old version from Add Remove programs.
  2. Install PDF printer from SIM
  3. Give the following command

msiexec /fvamus {6C332A97-5F3C-419F-AD60-A01B227E4745} /qb! /Lv* c:\winnt\catpc\log\OF0200736-repair.log

4. Reboot the PC.

1. change the version of the file (rename the file and copy from some other machine)


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