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Showing posts with label prettyTable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prettyTable. Show all posts

Python : How to extract desired cell values from a table created by module PrettyTable


It is simple Python library designed to make it quick and easy to represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables. It was inspired by the ASCII tables used in the PostgreSQL shell psql. PrettyTable allows for selection of which columns are to be printed, independent alignment of columns (left or right justified or centred) and printing of “sub-tables” by specifying a row range.

Official Document : Link

There could be many uses cases while using it, here in this blog post we will cover how we can extract our desired cell values from preetyTable.

So we will start by 
  • Importing module
  • Creating object
  • Add Feilds
  • Add Data
from prettytable import PrettyTable           # importing module

tabular_table = PrettyTable()                 # creating object
tabular_fields = ["Name""Age""Gender"]    # Define Field List

tabular_table.field_names = tabular_fields    # Add Fields to table

tabular_table.add_row(["Tokyo""33""M"])   # Add Data


|  Name  | Age | Gender |
| Tokyo  |  33 |   M    |
| Narobi |  74 |   M    |
| Denver |  21 |   F    |

Use Case 1.

  • Extract cell values for a specific field only from prettyTable
Below For loop will help to do so.

for row in tabular_table:
     print (row.get_string(fields=["Name"]))

|  Name |
| Tokyo |
|  Name  |
| Narobi |
|  Name  |
| Denver |

Use Case 2.

  • Extract cell values without header or border from prettyTable

for row in tabular_table:
     row.border = False
     row.header = False
     print (row.get_string(fields=["Name"]).strip())

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Designed By Jackuna