# Parameters
# $1 => Directory/Folder to search file.
# $2 => AWS Bucket subdirectories
# Example -- myAWSs3bucket/folderA/FolderB/FolderC
# 1.) In case one want to put files in folderA, use folderA as $2
# 2.) In case one want to put files in folderB, use folderA/folderB as $2
# 3.) In case one want to put files in folderC, use folderA/folderB/folderC as $2
# $3 => Existense of file from Start date in format YYYYMMDD
# Example --
# 1.) 20210104 -> 4th January 2021
# 2.) 20201212 -> 12th December 2020
# $4 => Existense of file upto end date in format YYYYMMDD
# Example --
# 1.) 20200322 -> 22nd March 2020
# 2.) 20201212 -> 12th December 2020
# $5 => File Filter
# Example -- We need only specific files from a folder.
# 1.) 20200122_data_settlement.txt --> Use $5 as *_data_settlement.txt
# 2.) salesdata-20201215100610.txt --> Use $5 as salesdata-*
# Task - Find similar 20200122_data_settlement.txt on location /usr/data/
# File existence date range 20200322 (22nd March 2020) to 20210104 (4th January 2021)
# Copy it to AWS S3 bucket's subfolder named as folderA
# Syntax - ./copy_data_to_S3_via_Curl.sh <LocalFolderLocation> <S3BUCKET-DIRECTORY> <STARTDATE> <ENDDATE> <FILEFILTER>
# Usage
# 1.) With File Filter
# ./copy_data_to_S3_via_Curl.sh /usr/data folderA 20200322 20210104 '*data_settlement.txt'
# 2.) Without File Filter
# ./copy_data_to_S3_via_Curl.sh /usr/data folderA 20200322 20210104
# 3.) Reinitiate left upload
# ./copy_data_to_S3_via_Curl.sh 1 folderA
# Flow
# 1.) Script use find command to find all the files with parameters and write it to a file "/tmp/file_inventory.txt"
# 2.) For Loop is being used further ti read file inputs and do S3 operations using HTTPS API
# 3.) Script keeps removing the entries from inventory file after a successful upload.
# 4.) Script writes the successful and failed upload status within log file "/tmp/file_copy_status.log"
# 5.) Incase we want to interrupt and upload the remaining files later, comment line no 62
# 62 find $1 -newermt $3 \! -newermt $4 -iname "$5" >> $inventory
# To avoid confusion run the script with same paramter.
# Author: Jackuna
# Bucket Data
s3_secret_key="KSKKSIS HSNKSLS+ydRQ3Ya37A5NUd1V7QvEwDUZR"
# Files
if [ $# == 2 ]; then
echo "`date` - Initiating left file upload from old inventory " >> $logme
elif [ $# -eq 5 ]; then
truncate -s 0 $inventory
find $1 -newermt $3 \! -newermt $4 -iname "$5" >> $inventory
echo "`date` - Initiating all file that contains string $5 and found between $3 - $4 upload from new inventory " >> $logme
elif [ $# -eq 4 ]; then
truncate -s 0 $inventory
find $1 -newermt $3 \! -newermt $4 >> $inventory
sed -i 1d $inventory
echo "`date` - Initiating all file found between $3 - $4 upload from new inventory " >> $logme
echo " Some or all arguments Missing from CLI"
echo " Usage : ./copy_data_to_S3_via_Curl.sh <LocalFolderLocation> <S3BUCKET-DIRECTORY> <STARTDATE> <ENDDATE> <FILEFILTER>"
echo " Open Script README section"
exit 1
file_list=`cat $inventory`
total_file_count=`cat $inventory|wc -l`
for local_file_val in $file_list; do
aws_file_name=`echo $local_file_val| rev| cut -d '/' -f1 | rev`
# metadata
dateValue=`date -R`
signature_hash=`echo -en ${signature_string} | openssl sha1 -hmac ${s3_secret_key} -binary | base64`
curl -X PUT -T "$local_file_val" \
-H "Host: ${bucket}.s3.amazonaws.com" \
-H "Date: ${dateValue}" \
-H "Content-Type: ${contentType}" \
-H "Authorization: AWS ${s3_access_key}:${signature_hash}" \
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
echo "`date` Upload Failed $local_file_val to $bucket" >> $logme
echo "`date` Upload Success $local_file_val to $bucket" >> $logme
count=$((count + 1))
printf "\rCopy Status - $count/$total_file_count - Completed "
sleep 1
sed -i "/\/$aws_file_name/d" $inventory