If you too have ended up messing up your GNOME DE like me, below one liners will surely your key to make your desktop look fresh again.
Use the below commands to Reset GNOME desktop.
rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity .cache .dbus .dmrc .mission-control .thumbnails ~/.config/dconf/user ~.compiz*
Now,if you want to have a backup of your existing desktop Enviroment.
Run the below command to backup and Reset GNOME3 Desktop enviorment.
It's a one liner, you can make it multiples too ;)
mkdir ./.old-gnome-config/ && mv ./.gnome* ./.old-gnome-config/ && mv .gconf* ./.old-gnome-config/ mv ./.metacity ./.old-gnome-config/ && mv ./.cache ./.old-gnome-config/ && mv ./.dbus ./.old-gnome-config/ && mv ./.dmrc ./.old-gnome-config/ && mv ./.mission-control ./.old-gnome-config/ && mv ./.thumbnails ./.old-gnome-config/ && mv ~/.config/dconf/* ./.old-gnome-config/