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Showing posts with label Opensource tools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opensource tools. Show all posts

Host your website or application on Internet using ngrok.


Ngrok, yet another ultimate free open source and cross-platform reverse proxy server for exposing local servers behind NATs and firewalls Internet over secure tunnels. 

It essentially establishes secure tunnels to your local hosted server that allows us to run demos of web sites before actual deployment, testing mobile apps connected to your locally running backend and building web-hook consumers on your development machine.

Use Case : Are you looking for a ready to go and secure solution to showcase your website or application which is behind NAT gateways or firewall to public facing internet, Ngrok is the way to go ahead.

Lets know, how to install, configure and use it.


Installation is pretty much simple and straight, download , unzip and yes you are done.

[root@CKcentos01x ~]# mkdir /usr/local/ngrok

[root@CKcentos01x ~]# cd /usr/local/ngrok

[root@CKcentos01x ~]# wget -c

[root@CKcentos01x ~]# unzip

And yes you are done, we are ready to use it.

Lab setup : We have our demo website hosted within our local virtual machine behind NAT network with an IP of

We will access the website from Internet after application of ngrok.

Here is how our website looks like.

Now using ngrok, we will host the same website using ngrok's secure tunnel on internet.

Note : Our website is hosted on Apache Webserver on port 80

[root@CKcentos01x ~]# cd /usr/local/ngrok
[root@CKcentos01x ~]# ./ngrok http 80

Our server has been hosted using ngrok secure tunnel, we can access using any of forwarding URL provided by ngrok.

One easy way to inspect the traffic is using the ngrok UI, let's access it.


We can access it from our local host only and use any one of the URL to access our demo website from internet.

Even we can use ngrok to see stats too.

I hope ngrok's above guide looks informative to you, do comment !
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An introduction to Dashing and Smashing dashboard frameworks


The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework in Ruby and Coffeescript.

You can go through the slide to have a intro about it.

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SSH from your favourite browser using Shellinabox

Shellinabox is perfect tool if you have any of the requirement.

Missing Putty or SSH agent on your desktop  ?
Looking for Client less agent to SSH ?
Want to SSH your Linux server or desktop from mobile.

So lets move ahead and just follow the steps to install Shellinabox.

Video tutorial, for video lovers.

ShellinaBox Installation on  CentOS7

Introduction [ Shell In A Box ]

Shell In A Box implements a web server that can export arbitrary command line tools to a web based terminal emulator. This emulator is accessible to any JavaScript and CSS enabled web browser and does not require any additional browser plugins.

Official repository link

More info on official git page :


Intsall EPEL Repo.

[root@cyberkeeda ~]# yum install epel-release 

Install shellinabox package

[root@cyberkeeda ~]# yum install shellinabox


Shellinabox configuration file  :    /etc/sysconfig/shellinaboxd

 Lets have a look on the file and allow and modify the important lines

[root@cyberkeeda ~]# vim /etc/sysconfig/shellinaboxd

# Shell in a box daemon configuration
# For details see shellinaboxd man page

# Basic options
OPTS="--disable-ssl-menu -s /:LOGIN"
OPTS="-t -s /:SSH:"



Chnage PORT to some other to avoid conflict between sytem level ports 

I will be changing it to 6162 


OPTS="-t -s /:SSH:"

Chnage IP or Hostname to your default login host, by default shellinabox will ask to login into it, then later you can ssh and jump into n number of servers.

My final config file would look as

# Shell in a box daemon configuration
# For details see shellinaboxd man page

# Basic options
OPTS="--disable-ssl-menu -s /:LOGIN"
OPTS="-t -s /:SSH:"

Configuration Done..

Important : 

STOP Firewalld iptables and disable selinux 

#    Service firewalld stop
#    Service iptables stop

Disable SELINUX : change status of selinux to disabled

Finally Restart the shellinaboxd daemon.

[root@cyberkeeda ~]# service shellinaboxd start

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nagios 4.0.8 fails to start with "Error:

nagios 4.0.8 fails to start with "Error: Failed to initialize query handler" (bind() failed: No such file or directory)

qh: Failed to init socket '/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.qh'. bind() failed: No such file or directory

error: Failed to initialize query handler. Aborting

Nagios Core responds me these errors while starting nagios.

Fix : Error itself give us an hint about no directory error, hence leading to failure while starting  the service.

Fix:  To fix this issue I will create the missing directory manually and aligning permissions to it.

  • Depending upon your error of missing directory create it.

cybeerkeeda@Linux-Maniac:~ mkdir -p  /usr/local/nagios/var/rw/
  • Provide full permission to it.
cybeerkeeda@Linux-Maniac:~ chmod -R 777  /usr/local/nagios/var/rw/
  • Restart Nagios again
cybeerkeeda@Linux-Maniac:~ sudo service nagios restart

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How to enable Microsoft Word support on OwnCloud

This tutorial will guide to enable Microsoft / LibreOffice/OpenOffice Word document Online view on browser.

Install Libreoffice package on Owncloud server
cybeerkeeda@Linux-Maniac:~ yum install libreoffice*
cybeerkeeda@Linux-Maniac:~ yum install libreoffice-headless
cybeerkeeda@Linux-Maniac:~ yum install libreoffice-impress

These are the mandatory packages that are supposed to be installed within your Owncloud Server

Now Enable Documents from the App window

Check within your config.php file ( owncloud/config/config.php ), if the below mentioned line has been added or not
if not then add it manually
'preview_libreoffice_path' => '/usr/bin/libreoffice',

Now Again Click on Admin -- Documents -- Local - Apply and Test

Now confirm it from the below similar looking pic

You must be able to View the Document within your browser.

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Designed By Jackuna