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How to install and configure SignalFX Smart Agent on Windows Server

SignalFX Smart Agent.

Signal FX ships with SFX Smart agent, which is one of the essentials to monitor IT infrastructure (Hosts), using it we can monitor the below infrastructure resources 
  • Memory
  • CPU
  • Disk
  • Network
  • Disk IO
  • Network IO
Signal FX official documents suggest to install it via Power Shell script, that can be found within it's setup tab.

Within this blog post, we will cover how to install and configure SFX Smart Agent on Windows server from packaged ZIP file.

Assumptions and Requirements:
  • We already have accounts on Signal FX with required licenses.
  • We will be using Windows Server 2012 in our lab setup as a host.
  • I will install here.
  • Strings highlighted in RED within this post, must be replaced by your own values.
So before we proceed we need to gather three important and mandatory inputs
  • signalFxAccessToken
  • ingestUrl
  • apiUrl
All three can be extracted from the Setup tab, lets know it step by step.
  1. Login to your Signal FX Account.
  2. On the header navbar, click on integrations.
  3. Under essential services, click on SignalFX Smart Agent.
  4. Toggle to SETUP tab.
  5. Scroll down to the Windows Section.
  6. Copy the content on Windows setup and paste it into Notepad.
  7. Look for (apiUrlcan, ingestUrl, signalFxAccessToken) within the pasted strings within notepad, extract and keep it handy to use it further into our configuration file.


Signal FX Smart Agent mandatory requirements, so before we proceed further to install agent on our windows host, make sure we have both the below packages installed within our host.
  1. Net Framework 3.5 or higher.
Now let's move forward to setup.

  • Download the latest SFX Smart Agent for windows from github page -Download 
  • Extract and copy the content within your host to any directory of your choice, i am copying it into C:\Program Files.
  • Toggle into "etc" within extracted SignalFxAgent directory, as per mine setup location is C:\Program Files\SignalFxAgent\etc\signalfx.
  • Configure agent.yaml file.
Below is the sample configuration for agent.yaml, replace the highlighted one in red with the one you have extracted within previous steps.

# *Required* The access token for the org that you wish to send metrics to.
signalFxAccessToken: 'myRandonTokenGivenBySignalFx'
ingestUrl: ''
apiUrl: ''
intervalSeconds: 10

  # Valid values are 'debug', 'info', 'warning', and 'error'
  level: info

# observers are what discover running services in the environment
  - type: host

  - {"#from": 'C:\Program Files\SignalFxAgent\etc\*.yaml', flatten: true, optional: true}
  - type: host-metadata
  - type: processlist
  - type: cpu
  - type: disk-io
  - type: filesystems
  - type: memory
  - type: net-io
  - type: vmem

enableBuiltInFiltering: true
  • So we have made the required changes within agent.yaml, now save and exit, we are done with the config file setup.
  • Now let's install it and make it as a windows service, run the below command to install it.
Toggle again to the "SignalFxAgent" director, mine is "C:\Program Files\SignalFxAgent\" and run the install command to install it, replace the one highlighted in red by your own path.

PS C:\> cd C:\Program Files\SignalFxAgent\

 PS C:\Program Files\SignalFxAgent> bin\signalfx-agent.exe -service "install" -logEvents -config "C:\Program Files\Signal
This will create SignalFX Smart Agent as a Windows Service, we can stop and start from their as per our need.

In case if you are willing to start the services by command prompt, below is the command.
 PS C:\Program Files\SignalFxAgent> bin\signalfx-agent.exe -service "start"
Upon successful setup, we can find our configured host under SingnalFX Infrastructure Navbar as below.

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